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European Structural Funds

Project name:

R&D of innovative platform HUBBIG Marketplace​


Contract number:



Project beneficiay:

HUBBIG d.o.o


Short Description of the Project:

The solution that is the subject of the project pertains to the efficient organization of road freight transport and transportation routes using advanced technologies and artificial intelligence (machine learning). The project's goal is the development of an innovative platform, HUBBIG Marketplace, for the advanced organization of cargo transport and increasing the Society's readiness for the commercialization of innovative products. The target groups to be covered by project activities include carriers (companies that own trucks) and companies that have cargo and need to transport it to specific locations (factories, manufacturers, etc.).


Objectives and expected results of the project:

Shippers or intermediaries will specify the goods that need to be transported to a specific location through the platform and will create an offer using the system. Carriers can accept the cargo offer or counteroffer through the platform. At the end of this virtual negotiation process, the sender will choose the best option.


The value of the project is 141.114,16 EUR of which the European Union has co-financed the amount of 119.947,03 EUR.


Project implementation period (from - to):

01.10.2023. - 30.10.2025.


Contact person for more information:

HUBBIG d.o.o

Avenija Dubrovnik 15, 10020 Zagreb, Hrvatska

Dragana Lipovac Medić

„Financira Europska unija – NextGenerationEU”

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